Prayer Requests

It is our privilege to pray for you. Fill out the form below to submit a prayer request. Your request will be prayed for by our staff and the Foothills prayer chain.

Find support

At some time or another, everyone needs a little help. Are you facing a difficult season of life? Maybe we can help.

Someone to talk to

Our pastors are ready to listen! Whatever your circumstance, we'd be honoured to pray with you and help you choose practical next steps, which may include a referral to a licensed counsellor or other community resources. Click here to request an appointment with one of our pastors.

Practical Support

A change in circumstances can create practical needs for people and their families. There may be a way for us to work with you during a difficult time to develop an action plan that will lead to hope and stability. If you would like to talk to someone about your situation, please contact the church office at 403.241.9777 or click here to book an appointment. Click here to connect with Pastor Jason Fan.

Pastoral Care - Hospital Visitation

Our purpose is to show love and care to individuals in a local hospital. We offer visitation to those who are in the hospital, in convalescent or nursing facilities or at their homes. Team members visit those in need to offer prayer and encouragement. If you would like someone to come visit you or a loved one in the hospital, please fill out the form below.

Pastoral Support Form