Sex, Singleness and Surrender

Sex, Singleness and Surrender

All You Need Is Love

May 29 - 30 • Ian Trigg

This weekend, I'll be teaching a topic I rarely preach about: sex, singleness and surrender.

Human life and sexuality aren't just behaviours –  it's about beliefs, and ultimately, about the way we view the world and determine how we will respond to it. The language centers around the concept of a worldview.  Everyone has one. It comes from  a Germanic word:  Weltenshauung, which means our comprehensive conception or image of the world around us and how we relate to it. In every decision we make or opinion we hold on to, we are not just deciding what we will do,  we are revealing what we believe, what we value and who we trust most in life. Our moral choices in life cannot be viewed as a single action, but rather as an expression of what we believe about life itself about God himself.