Heartbreak Gospel

Heartbreak Gospel

Heartbreak Gospel


October 17 • Jerry Orthner

A browser search for #blessed looks a lot different today than it would have 2000 years ago! Jesus, in his first sermon (Mathew 5), shocked everyone with eight uncommon, mind-bending #blessings that sent huge ripples through the crowd, ripples of an unsuspecting and unusual road to happiness.

Jesus caught everyone off guard, contradicting everything culture was saying about how to achieve happiness and connect meaningfully with God. Like today, many people had given up on religion, thinking they could never qualify or measure up.

But here he was, throwing the doors of his eternal Kingdom wide open to the spiritually bankrupt, the sorrowing, the fragile, the hungry, rejected, neglected and persecuted. And the message remains the same today — everyone can find forgiveness, consolation, hope, joy and strength. And all Jesus asks is for you to come.

This Sunday, join us in person or livestream as we begin our series in the Beatitudes with a “Heartbreak Gospel.”