Made to Know

Made to Know

By Design

September 7 - 8 • Ian Trigg

I'm old enough to remember Calgary's skyline before the Calgary Tower was built. At the time, the tallest building was a round Sheraton Hotel that was 8 floors high. When the tower arrived it literally "towered" over the entire downtown! Today, unless you have the perfect sightline, you can barely see the thing. I love the design of many of our downtown towers. They display creativity, ingenuity and thoughtful architecture. One of the metaphors I love most about God is referring to Him as the Master Designer of our lives: we are "made by design" and what a beautiful design we are! This weekend, we'll consider the heart of the design, the truth that we are made to know God and in knowing Him we find truth, purpose, hope and grace.

It will be great to celebrate being together as everything relaunches this weekend! For the Sunday services, we have a special team called "Tim and the Glory Boys" leading us in worship. These guys are unbelievably gifted and it will be awesome! They are unfortunately not available for Saturday night as they are performing at the CCMA Awards so you guys will get Ethan and Nicole (whom I'm renaming "Ethan and the Hallelujah Girl!"we'll for the weekend. Whatever service you are a part of it will be fantastic to see you and to encounter Jesus together!

Bless you all!
