All In

All In

Gospel of Mark

April 3 • Jerry Orthner

As Easter approaches, we recall Jesus being arrested, unfairly tried, beaten, nailed to a cross and then placed in a sealed tomb. But on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and exited the tomb alive! You might say, Jesus went “all in” … for you and for me.  When Jesus asks people to follow him, his invitation has a similar ring: “Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me”.  Jesus asks us to go “all in” too, inviting us to “die” while at the same time promising life abundant and everlasting.  Well done, son, daughter! You witnessed the price paid by my son for your freedom. You voluntarily enlisted in his way of living, counted the cost, left everything, boldly paid the price, and stayed faithful in a world that lost its way. You took a stand. You went all in. Well done!” Foothills is a safe place to hear a dangerous message. Join us this weekend, open to the life-altering challenge to go “all in” for the Master!