When Jesus Heals Your Past
Heroes of Faith
June 26 • Kyle Harnett
If you could change any part of your past, what would you change? For some of us, we would re-write painful memories. Some would change moments of failure. Some might demonstrate the depths of our love. It is a universal reality that every person has regrets - moments that they would change or at the least redeem. In this sermon, we see what happens when a hero in the Bible fails. And how Jesus rewrites the story of his lead leader betraying him. We see Jesus give Peter a new story. God is a God of second chances. Jesus rewrites history. This season of life has been significantly challenging. Many of us have experienced loss, grief or even a sense of shame. But Jesus has a way of rewriting our stories so that they become beautiful and fulfill the ultimate purposes of our lives. Will you let Jesus rewrite your story?