Living With Rejection
Heroes of Faith
May 29 • Jerry Orthner
Rejection is an unavoidable aspect of being human. Proverbs 18:14 asks: “The spirit of a person can endure sickness, but a wounded spirit, who can bear?” The implication is—no one can. Rejection has many painful faces that leave us feeling alone, defeated and outcast.
So, the question burns, “How can I go on living with rejection?” This will not be a magical bullet service and complete healing will not come overnight. But the Word of God provides profound truths and simple steps that we can begin to take to rise and live above rejection.
Isaiah 53 holds many of those keys to help the wounded journey from rejection to acceptance, bitterness to love, anger to forgiveness and from self-pity to praise.
Appropriately, we will share Communion together. Already, in anticipation of your arrival the Table of Remembrance is shouting: “Jesus Christ was rejected so that we could be accepted!”
Yes. There is hope and healing at the foot of the cross. Let’s meet there together this Sunday.