Holy Spirit - Alive In Us

Holy Spirit - Alive In Us

Holy Spirit

April 24 - 24 • Tim Beadle

Before returning to His Father, Jesus promised his followers  he would not leave them alone, but rather send the Holy Spirit in His place to carry on the story of God in our Lives.  Too many believers, however, after receiving the gift of God’s salvation in Jesus seem to take the posture of waiting for the return of Jesus, or our arrival in heaven (whichever one comes first!).  Unfortunately, we fail to realize that God has so much more for us than ‘putting in time’ this side of heaven. Join us as we look into the book of Ephesians and focus on the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us when we cross the line of faith in following Jesus.  We will learn about the Spirit’s incoming, His indwelling, and His infilling in our lives