Who He Calls Us To Be
Identity in Christ
January 30 • Tim Gibbons
What if for twenty-four hours Jesus wakes up in your bed, walks in your shoes, lives in your house, assumes your schedule. Your boss becomes his boss, your mother becomes his mother, your pains become his pains? With one exception, nothing about your life changes. Your health doesn’t change. Your circumstances don’t change. Your schedule isn’t altered. Your problems aren’t solved… Only one change occurs… What if for one day and one night, Jesus lives your life with His heart? Your heart gets the day off, and your life is led by the heart of Christ. His priorities govern your actions. His passions drive your decisions, His love directs your behaviour? With Jesus living your life, What would you be like? Join us this weekend online or in person as we continue our series in the letter to the Colossians. Can’t wait to see you!