Dangerous Territory
If Jesus Was Serious
July 10 - 11 • Ian Trigg
Demographic surveys indicate an increasing number of people who rarely attend a faith-based service. The fastest growing religious group appears to be a group called “nones” – those who have no religious affiliation. Some cry “persecution” and assume the posture of victim. I’ve studied the life of Jesus pretty closely, I see no victim mindset within him. Others are hunkering down for a political battle Some accuse us of losing our influence in culture because we’ve taken Jesus and his Word too seriously.
But what if we have it backwards? What if our problem isn’t that “we’ve taken Jesus too seriously” and what if our problem is, as Skye Jethani writes, that “we haven’t taken Jesus seriously enough?” What if our culture’s judgement on Christianity isn’t the result of obeying Jesus, but the result of ignoring him? Join me this weekend as we continue our sermon series, “If Jesus was serious.” I so look forward to connecting with you in person or online this weekend.