Iron Sharpens Iron
Mettle Maker
June 20 - 21 • Ian Trigg
Do you ever feel like you fall short of pleasing God? You look at the heroes of faith in the bible and feel like you have fallen short in terms of faithfulness and fruit. You think: God must love them more than me. In your faith, you see other people seemingly thriving and walking in the Spirit. You said at the beginning of quarantine how much you were going to be in God's word, and 14 weeks later, you've finished Netflix. You measure yourself and ask, what could God do with me, or how could God use me? I'm going to show you that if you are a follower of Jesus, you have what it takes to live like the heroes of faith did. But I'm also going to show you that you don't have what it takes. Mostly, because you haven't asked yet. So whoever you are, this is for you. You and I are going to look at what real wisdom is. We'll jump into the story of Solomon and his request for wisdom; there is so much good stuff in this story. See you this weekend.
Happy Father's Day weekend!