My Story with Loss

My Story with Loss

My Story with Loss

My Story - Season Three

August 15 - 16 • Rebecca Schnell

Dear Foothills family,

If you're anything like me, you've probably experienced some disappointment, suffering or unexpected negative impact on your life in the last five months; maybe on more than one front. I actually believe we're living in a season of collective grief. For most of us, habits, routines and opportunities we took for granted are just gone. And some have been more intensely affected than others. Relationally, we may be under strain or feeling alone - or a confusing combination of both. So, how do we make sense of our losses? The book of Ecclesiastes is all about the search for meaning. And, you might be surprised how connected loss is with the search for meaning. Join me this week as we hear Donna Elford's story. She'll dive into how the disappointments in life can be a catalyst for learning how long, high, wide and deep Jesus loves us. As we gather, even though apart, let's remember that he is for us!

Rebecca Schnell