Upside Down

Upside Down

Upside Down

No Wonder...

March 7 - 8 • Ian Trigg

I love passages like the one we will study this weekend because they present a picture of Jesus that we desperately need to see! So often we settle for the "Sunday School Jesus," who loves, blesses and is nice. But we miss the powerful Jesus who transforms, battles and purifies! Yes he is the Lamb, but he is also the Lion. This weekend we'll focus on this side of his character as we see him clearing out all that was wrong and lost in his Father's temple.

I hope you will be able to join us this weekend, either at church or on Livestream if you can't be here. We will celebrate his power and his passion for all things good and eternal in our lives. We will invite him to step into our stories and reclaim our "houses" for his purposes. It will be a sacred experience, and it is such a gift to share these moments together! It might be one of the most important weekends of the year, and you'll learn why I desperately wished we had entitled this message: "Not in my house!"

Thanks for your prayers. I'm praying for you!
