The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

Psalms for Life

July 17 • Tim Beadle

Just as Country Western music expresses the pleasure and pain of the human experience, the book of Psalms presents us with a worship playlist written for God’s people in the Old Testament reminding them of His love for them and his repeated call to return home to Him.  Psalm One will be our focus this weekend in learning to delight in the Lord. Consider what bring you delight in your life on a daily basis… how far down the list did you have to go before finding the Lord!?  Over the years we encourage people to invite Jesus into their lives… Psalm 1 invites us into God’s life of blessings and delight. Failing to respond to that invitation finds one following along with the crowd along a road in life that ends up heading down a dead-end street! Let’s learn how to delight in the Lord together!