Thanksgiving Means Thanks Living

Thanksgiving Means Thanks Living

Thanksgiving Means Thanks Living

The Book of Matthew

October 9 • Tim Beadle

On Thanksgiving Sunday, we reflect with grateful hearts on all that God has blessed us with. One of the greatest responses we can make is to live our lives in light of the backdrop of his loving posture towards us and the pathway he lays before us to follow in this grand adventure of life. Matthew 3 will be the focus of our time in God’s word, following in the footsteps of John the Baptist. While many considered him a misfit in the eyes of the world, he was one who was very much in tune with God’s plan for his life. John’s example challenges us to live with the same perspective as his, in clearing a path or making straight a way for people to find Jesus. It’s what living a life with an attitude of gratitude for all God is all about. Thanksgiving truly leads us to an expression of Thanks Living!