The Tyranny of Religion

The Tyranny of Religion

Matthew - Upside Down Kingdom

February 12 • Kyle Harnett

Have you ever been desperate for approval? Someone in your life that you needed to love or respect you? Maybe it was a parent, a romantic interest, or a boss. Regardless, we all have had the haunting experience of longing for approval—it is a universal reality. This same desire for approval also creeps into our interaction with God. Even our best, most charitable deeds can become toxic and tyrannical if they are used to receive the approval of God and others. In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is going to interact with our good deeds surrounding money, prayer, and fasting and will teach us how to re-orient our deeds and desires so that they become a source of blessing and life, rather than an unthankful master. Join us this Sunday at 9 and 11am!