Worship Arts

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” -Romans 12:1

Worship is a response to all God is, has done, and will do with our whole life – heart, soul, mind, and strength. We believe that music and the arts uniquely engage all parts of our being at the same time in response to God. They speak a universal language from the soul that captures both thought and emotion unlike anything else. When we sing praise to God, we are formed by his truth and come into his presence. Every time we gather to worship is an opportunity encounter the transformative presence of the Living God.

Our vision for worship arts at Foothills is to foster environments and experiences that are so inspiring, Christ-centered, and Spirit-driven that everyone will encounter God and passionately respond to him. We come before God with bold expectation to meet with him and to see his miraculous power and love poured out on his people. Our hope is that everyone will leave our worship gatherings inspired to carry God’s presence with them wherever they go and to worship him in everything they do throughout the week.

If this is something that excites you and you would like to join the worship arts team at Foothills, we would love to hear from you! Our ongoing opportunities to serve include music, tech, and drama, and we are always looking for ways to leverage other arts in our services. If you would like to join the worship band or tech team, please begin by reading our vision document , then fill out the appropriate application form below. If you have any questions or are interested in serving in another area, click here to get in touch with Eric Miller.

Worship Band Application Form

Tech Team Application Form 

Regarding the volume of our worship services:

“Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with loud songs of joy. For the Lord, the Most High, is awesome, a great king over all the earth.” Psalm 47:1-2

Scripture exhorts us many times praise God with loud, joyful songs (Psalm 33; 47; 95; 98; 150). This is a natural outcome of unreserved, passionate, and heart-felt worship responding to the greatness of our God. We desire to foster an environment where we express this type of praise corporately. To accomplish this, we strive to mix our music in a way that fills the room with energy and inspires us to sing out loudly with passion. At the same time, we are acutely aware of the risk of hearing damage associated with extended periods of exposure to loud noises and take the health of our congregation very seriously!With this in mind, we ensure that our volume levels never exceed safe listening levels according to Alberta’s occupational health and safety regulations.

The decibel level in our worship center during our corporate praise averages 85 dBA. This volume can be listened to at a sustained level for up to 8 hours without hearing damage. The decibel level may peak at up to 95 decibels during climax moments in songs. This volume can be listened to at a sustained level for up to 1 hour. The total exposure time for these listening levels is approximately 25-30 minutes during our worship services, which is well below the safe limits indicated. While we ensure that our volume levels are safe, we understand that they may not be comfortable for everyone. Ear plugs are available on the table behind the sound booth in the worship center for anyone who would like to use them. We also have hearing assist devices available at the info desk for those who are hard of hearing.