The Star We Never Saw Before

The Star We Never Saw Before


December 18 • Tim Beadle

Are you a Star Gazer? When you think about it, from early childhood we've been taught to 'wish upon a star,' to 'count our lucky stars' and recitd 'twinkle, twinkle, little star!' What is it about the human experience that finds our heads and hearts in the heavenlies seeking some sign of luck or good fortune we hope is coming our way. This weekend we'll delve into the 'star trek' recorded in Matthew 2, as the Maji saddled their camels and sojourned to seek and find the one born king of the Jews. Along the way, we'll find principles and God's heart and the human experience brimming with meaning that are worth sitting up and paying attention to. The bottom line is that 'Wise Men (women/kids) Still Seek Him!' Join us Sunday at 9&11AM. Bring your family and friends as we celebrate faith during this season of Advent.