Power Under Control

Power Under Control

Easter 2023

April 2 • Andrew Berg

If you are a Christian, do you trust Jesus? If you don't identify as a Christian or hold another religious belief, do you trust the idea of Jesus? Who he was? What he did? What he taught? A different take on the question: Do you trust Jesus as king? As an authority? Think about the last time you were betrayed or hurt by someone in authority or by a collective authority? Do you trust power structures? Statistically, there is a high level of distrust for institutional authority. Some of it is understandably placed. So, what does the Kingship of Jesus have to do with a 21st century Calgarian when we have trust issues? The author of the Gospel of Luke, I believe, would point to Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem on a donkey or colt. So will we. See you this weekend?