

Faith, Doubt, Reconstruction

January 7 • Kyle Harnett

It is the beginning of a new year! A time to explore new opportunities, discern a sense of purpose and set the tone for the days ahead. As we enter the new year, we want to talk about developing a robust, life-giving, and joy-filled faith. We also want to take time to talk about what happens when difficulties in faith arise. Additionally, we need to be equipped for the days where we experience a crisis of faith and how to handle that well and emerge on the other side of it with greater strength, character, virtue and faith. This week we are starting a three week series called Faith, Doubt, and Deconstruction. We will be studying the life of Thomas the apostle and what we can learn from his encounters with Jesus. Join us this Sunday at 9 or 11AM as we study John 11:1-16 and bring a friend!