Here to Go
Kingdom Come
November 12 • Brent Sellers
Generally speaking, when people stop what they’re doing to stare up at into the sky, it’s because something captivating and noteworthy is taking place—good or bad—there’s a story unfolding, and we can’t help but find ourselves a part of it. In Acts 1—Jesus’ disciples are watching in wonder as the resurrected Lord ascends into heaven after having just commissioned them to reach the world with His Good News of salvation. In some sense, this Sunday we’re having our own “staring at the sky moment”. As we, like the disciples, “pause” from our usual rhythms to marvel at the resurrected Jesus and consider what it means for the mission of the Church—our mission. What we’ll find is that, like the disciples, we’re not meant to stay staring at the sky… we are Here to Go! That is to say: By God’s design, the purpose of the Christian’s life on earth is to join Jesus in His mission of reaching the world with the Good News of salvation.