The Cost of Following Jesus
Kingdom Come
October 15 • Tim Beadle
Over past months, the cost of living in Calgary has impacted us all. Some parents have skipped meals to put food on the table for their kids. Others have had to bunk in with friends because their rent just went up 30% and they can’t afford it anymore. This rise in ‘cost of living’ has made us stop and take stock in our ability and desire to maintain a lifestyle we have become accustomed to. Our Bible passage this weekend, Matthew 8:18-22, places before us the challenge of the cost of living in Jesus. Throughout the Gospels Jesus shared some ‘hard sayings’ about following Him that drastically thinned the crowds, because people weren’t willing to pay the price to fully follow Him. While the gift of salvation is freely given to us from God, the implications of following Jesus carry with them a cost we need to count in becoming fully devoted followers. Join us and bring a friend.