I Choose You

I Choose You

Promises, Promises

May 9 - 10 • Ian Trigg

What will Mother's Day look like in a COVID-19 world!? I guess we are all about to find out, let's get creative people! We're not going to a restaurant, and most stores are still closed, so it will be different — but perhaps it can become even more meaningful. I look forward to hearing stories of how we are honouring the remarkable women in our lives.

In church, we will celebrate Moms in different ways and we will remember the amazing gift that they are to us all. We've received permission to have live (though still recorded worship), and I'll be teaching from Joshua's classic mission statement for his family: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" in Joshua 24. I truly hope you will be able to join us as we worship, pray and connect with each other online!

Be blessed, be safe, be well and honor the women in your life in the most creative way you know how!

Happy Mother's Day Weekend!

I love being your pastor!

Pastor Ian