Listen Well

Listen Well

Promises, Promises

April 17 - 18 • Ian Trigg

My dear wife told me about something she heard the other day from a man from China who had endured months of social isolation and physical distancing. He said he asked himself, "Do I want to emerge from COVID-19 being an overweight alcoholic, or having read ten books and learned another language?" Those may not be potential options, but let me ask it in a more Calgary-friendly way: "Do we want to emerge from this season of quarantine having gained 15 pounds and having watched hundreds of hours of mindless television, or is there something greater and grander we could do to redeem this time of pandemic?" How we will respond, in many ways, will reflect what we believe about God and his sovereign purpose in our lives.

I am so excited to invite you to church this weekend! We are beginning a new series called "Promises, Promises." We easily become cynical about the capacity of people to keep their promises. But this weekend, let's remember and recommit ourselves to knowing and allowing the ultimate Promise Keeper to transform our lives. It is as we remember and live out of his promises, that our lives become even more valuable and impactful. God's promises are not compromised or minimized by any virus — they become even more remarkable, true and powerful!

While I can't physically see you, I will be with you and treasure your invitation into your home!

Be blessed. Be Safe. Be connected!

Pastor Ian