Never Alone - Thy Kingdom Come

Never Alone - Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

June 29 - 30 • Ian Trigg

Kids are out of school… the sun is shining… Canada Day is on the horizon… artists are busy painting storefronts to look stampede-ish… it must be summer!

I'm a big fan of summer and all that potential that it carries for rest, renewal and personal growth. This is the last weekend of our Thy Kingdom Come teaching series and I will end focusing on our mission and mandate as Kingdom people. I'm going to introduce you to a new word: "anamchara." I'm praying that by the end of the weekend, you'll desperately want one! It's my prayer because all of us desperately need an "anamchara."

We'll focus on some other things too but I so look forward to celebrating summer's arrival together this weekend. We'll also get to gather around the Lord's table too, which always makes church even more impactful. Bless you and if you are travelling at all this weekend, have a safe journey and maybe catch the service on Livestream!


Pastor Ian Trigg