Love Your ... Enemies

Love Your ... Enemies

Matthew - Upside Down Kingdom

February 5 • Tim Beadle

In the coming days, Canadians will spend over three billion dollars expressing their affection to those they love at Valentines Day. Shop early because there will be the predictable run on chocolate, flowers and reservations at local restaurants in this regard. Some will even put pen to paper and start off with ‘Roses and red, violets are blue’ (you can fill in the rest!) The text in Matthew 5 we will be digging into this weekend stops us in our tracks, however, when Jesus tells us to Love Our Enemies! I can guarantee this isn’t on our short list of intentions this Valentines Day. Something about these words seems like a foreign concept and the last thing this side of heaven we feel like doing – is this even humanly possible? Join us as we take a deep dive into God’s love for us and the implications for growing to full maturity in our faith.